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All the business offices of Sanmei Electric Co., Ltd. acquired ISO14001 by LRQA (Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited)
certificated by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) on 2002.12.13.


Authentication registration number
ISO14001:2015 (JIS Q 14001:2015)

Environmental Policy

Management Concept

Our management concept is gharmony of the nature and the human beingsh.

For that we inherit our core technology and provide products that are people friendly
and heal the peoplefs mind. And we manage in good faith and contribute to the community

Environmental Policy

1. We save resources and energy, reduce waste and prevent environmental pollution.

2. We comply with the law and agreement about environment, and continue to improve our environmental management system.

3. We document our environmental management system and make great effort to well-knowing, understanding and maintenance it.

Sanmei Electric Co., Ltd.
President Kosuke Kondo